Atlas Rehab Protocol

Most healthcare providers are scared to use their hands and touch severe back pain. Not at Atlas. Once we complete an assessment, we know exactly what muscles are the culprits and exactly how to release them.

What is the Atlas Rehab Protocol:

The Atlas rehab protocol is a tailor made exercise program that has been created based on the latest scientific research and results for your back pain. Depending on your condition we will utilize our years worth of research to make the best exercise program to suit your needs. Atlas rehab programs take into account your current physical state and your current medical condition to help create a safe and effective protocol to help you get better.

What does the Atlas rehab protocol consist of?

The Atlas low back pain program consists of scientifically proven exercises to help get you better. It consists of three main components of exercise:

Mobility exercises: This will help you increase your range of motion and help you get back moving without pain.

Endurance exercise: This will help you build up your ability to do the things you love longer. By focusing on endurance-based exercises this will help get you better and keep you better.

Strengthening exercises: If you’ve been in pain for a prolonged period of time chances are that your muscles are much weaker than they once used to be. It is crucial to work on strengthening these muscles to help keep the benefits of treatment. 

Atlas Back Pain Clinic

Get Back To Life

Complementary - Limited Time Only

55 Avenue Rd, Suite 2000, Toronto, On, M5R 3L2

The first step in any recovery is to understand your story. In this short introduction call, we want to listen to every detail of your back pain – what you find painful, what gives you relief, what you’re hoping to achieve, and more. If an assessment makes sense, we’ll schedule one with you.

Put aside this time for your health, we promise it’ll be worth it. 

Start Your Journey to Living Without Back Pain.

** Offer is complementary for first time patients, while availability lasts.